Did you know that Form Designs is a registered Research Service Provider?

We were registered in July 2014, RSP no. 99499.

What does it mean for our clients? Tax Benefits!

What are the benefits?

If a company engages a RSP to perform R&D activities, they can claim a R&D tax offset for eligible expenditure on registered R&D activities, even when their total claim is less than the usual threshold of $20 000 in an income year.

What is a Research Service Provider (RSP)?

A Research Service Provider (RSP) is an organisation that is registered under section 29A of the Industry Research and Development Act 1986 as an RSP by Innovation Australia as having the appropriate scientific or technical expertise and resources to perform research and development on behalf of other companies.

RSPs must satisfy criteria specified under the R&D Tax Incentive legislation relating to their staffing, facilities, capability and capacity to provide R&D services, and pricing structure.

Registration is given in respect of specified fields of research that the entity has shown it is capable of undertaking. The fields of research are taken from the research categories in the Australian and New Zealand Standard Research Classification (ANZSRC) 2008.

Talk To Us About It

To find out more about this, head to the AusIndustry website or get in touch with us to see how you can benefit.

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